Best EPs of 2017
Normally I don’t get exposed to too many EPs within a year, and if I did then it would be from a band I really respected or loved. If that were the case, and I really loved the EP then it might end up finding its way onto my “Best Albums” list. The length of an album is never an issue with me, as long as it is good. 2017 surprised me a bit; I was exposed to a greater number of EPs that I not only liked, but found good enough that any one of them could compete with the Full-Length releases I loved this year. Some of these I liked as much as my #1 Album! I’ve learned a bit from my last list, having realized that putting my favourite thing in the list at the top kind of numbs the blow and makes going down the list rather pointless. So I am simply reversing it, descending n...